Ultimate Retro FPS Template Marketing Poster

Ultimate Retro FPS Template

A comprehensive package aimed at game developers interested in making "Retro FPS" style games in Unreal Engine.

Windows compatible demo

IntEraction System

Quickly prototype by placing ready to use Interactable blueprints in your level. The building block of any game, interaction system is an essential part of rapid game prototyping. Many essentials are included.

MenuS & UI

Full fledged & customizable menu system & widgets. Focus on gameplay instead of the "boring stuff". Settings, bindings, audio, video and much more.

Save Levels/Quicksave

Ready to go save game system, take the complexity out of making games with all saving & loading plumbing done for you.

Weapons & ProjectileS

With both melee and projectile based weapon systems. It's easy to start adding your own meshes and customizing weapons. Weapon system can be used by both player and AI.


Pickups system and player inventory system built-in. Many essential pickups are already included and ready to be placed in your level.


Powerups are a type of pickup that can modify player or weapon stats; such as enabling double jump or increasing damage. They can make permanent or temporary changes.


Props are ready-made entities/prefabs that can make building levels quicker. They lack the triggering system of "Interactables", but offer an easy way to enhance levels with physics props, static lights, as well as editor tools like chrome spheres, etc.


Advanced player character styled after retro FPS games like Doom, Quake and Unreal. With optional modern features like footstep audio, body mesh & shadows, death cam, smooth movement, etc.

Ai / Enemies

AI enemies can use same weapons as the player, saving development time. Five AI enemies included. Populate your world and start fighting. AI can sense sight, hearing and pain. Can patrol paths, move to random locations or ambush player.

Weapons & Projectiles

A rugged hero's arsenal.

Weapon system with both Melee and Projectile based weapons included. Projectiles can mix & match with weapons, creating a varied and fun arsenal. Customize damage, projectile speed, bounce, particles, etc. Create your own weapons with the included weapon system.


Grenade Launcher



Rocket Launcher






Touch and go.
Pickups alter player stats, like health, armor, powerups, or replenish ammo. Keys unlock interactions with doors, buttons, triggers, etc. Drop pickups into your level and start building action packed gameplay.



Powerup Triple Damage

Powerup Double Jump

Ammo Bullets

Ammo Grenades

Ammo Rockets

Ammo Shells

Blue Key

Green Key

Red Key

Yellow Key


Touch and do.
"Interactables" can be used individually or connected to each other through tags. One interactable can trigger or be triggered by others. Connect buttons, trigger volumes, together with platforms, door, sliders, traps, lights, etc. to create complex web of interaction.
Trick the player with interactable traps that re-use weapon system projectiles.







Trigger Volume



Teleport Exit

Map Complete Teleport

Map Complete Camera

AI / Enemies

Bring the fight to them, or they'll bring the fight to you.

Ready made AI with ambush, patrol, search, chase/attack states. AI can use any weapon player can use, and drop pickups on death. Save development time with ready to use AI system; add or customize to your liking.

AI Sword/Melee, close range

AI Grenade Launcher, medium range

AI Machinegun, long range

AI Rocket Launcher, long range

AI Shotgun, medium range

AI Behavior Tree

Behavior tree setup for ready to use AI enemies. Options for close (melee), mid and long range combat. Ambush, patrol, chase, or search states enable AI to interact with the player and world.

AI Perception & Stimulus

Perception system for sight, hearing and pain allow AI to sense the player in many ways.


From classic arena to modern warfare, advanced player options have you covered.

3x Modes

  1. Classic FPS - Arms only and no shadow

  2. Modern FPS - Shadows and Lower Body

  3. Full Body - 3rd person ready body mesh


Extensive setup options for customizing character without editing blueprints.


Neat, organized and commented blueprints; make modifications and reading easy.


Retro FPS style HUD, with ammo, stats, keys display, as well as pickups, messages log. Customizable HUD size, toggle cross-hair, etc. from settings menu.

Smooth Camera

Classic & Modern FPS setup allows for custom camera movement that eases out character height changes, walking on stairs smoothly, etc. Optional strafe camera tilt, and zoom options.

Footsteps & AI Sense

Noise triggers for AI such as footsteps, jump landing and weapon firing, alert AI hearing sense of player's presence.

Menu System

A minimal menu system with all the essential features baked in. Your game is ready to demo from day one.

Main Menu

Get players started with sensible options. Menu system is navigable using mouse, keyboard and gamepad.


Settings menu for gameplay, graphics, audio, mouse & keyboard bindings and gamepad customization.

Game Paused

Start maps with optional Pause Menu displayed, or press "P" to pause game. Lets players get ready for the action, adjust settings, or load a saved game.

Map Complete

Show players how they did with a "Map Complete" menu when they reach the end of each level.

Died Menu

Dying is just an opportunity to play again. Restart level or load a game from a saved games list.

Custom Widgets

Menu is composed of custom widgets that make it easy to build complex menu systems from smaller parts.